Now this face is Human..!
The "Human face"
By Nathan S.
500 Meters
Even though this is only two thirds of a face...this face is about as perfect as a human face could be...right down to the last detail. This face has every feature found on are faces and they are all in just the right places.  Just to name a few features to look for, There is an eye that has eye lids, there are creases under the eye and between the eye and the nose , There is a nose that tapers toward  the forehead...This nose has a nostril as will. There is a mouth that has lips, There is a chin. There is also a cheek with the impression of having a cheek bone to support it ( a very subtle artistic affect ). There is an ear...but the ear is partialy covered by an object or debris, The ear also has a square earing just below it.There is also a head-dress with a possible circular insignia on the forehead..( the bottom third of the insignia may have collapsed in leaving a large hole ),  And  a snake like figure just to the left of the insignia...( common for Egyptian kings and gods ). There is an eyebrow and many more fine details.....
The face Mirrored
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Notice the shape of the face, and the proportions between all the features, Also notice the slight curl in the upper lip.
.....There are so many very clear and recognizable features on this face that I could not see how this structure could be a natural formation.I have studied this face and have concluded that it is artificial, Now what type of material could this face be made out of...There are two possibilities, Either it was carved from rock or it was constructed from raw materials.


I have noticed that this face resembles Ancient Egyptians. What this means is there could be a connection between the two cultures ( Mars and Ancient Egypt ). As for the age of this structure, I would have to say somewhere between 4 million and as late as 20,000 years ago, ( Just prior to Egyption civilizations. I stated as late as 20,000 years do to the fact that this face is in very good condition regardless of the very little erosion that takes place on Mars presently, And that it does resemble Ancient Egyptians.
A closer examination
( The Mouth ) - This mouth is about two thirds visable, the mouth is closed and has both complete top and bottom lips. You will also notice the highlights above the top lip...this is do to a sloping upward to the tip of the lip. The upper lip also might be made out of rectangular blocks of may have slipped out of place, Or thats the way the builders intended it to be.

( The Nose ) - This nose is also about two thirds visable. The nose tapers toward the fore-head and has one very clear nostril, There is also a complete bulb of the nose. This nose is proportionaly separate from the mouth.

( The Eye ) - This eye sits in a very noticable eye socket, The eye is shaped just like a human eye with eye lids on both the top and bottom, There is also a hint of a tear duct in the corner of the eye. there is a crease just below the eye as like many people...note that  this is not a ridge but a crease.There are also creases between the eye and the nose. just above the eye there is a brow , this brow apears as an elongated triangle....Note how this brow is very three dimensional.

( The Ear ) - This ear is half covered by an object or debris, The ear starts just above the level of the eye and curves downward, The top portion of the ear has both the front and side edges visable. The bottom portion of the ear attaches its self to the side of the face very cleanly, There is also a square ear ring just below the lobe of the ear.

( The Cheek ) - This cheek is very noticable for having a rounded appearance like many people have, and also giving you the impression of having a cheek bone to support it, This cheek has a crease near the bottom just above the mouth...most people have that same line and going in the same general direction. This cheek has a very smooth unbroken tecture. Also if you look near the bottom you will see a grid like pattern, This could be the internal structure visable.

( The Head-Dress ) - This head-dress is visable on both sides of the head, But is very faint on the right side were there apears to be a great deal of sand/debris many meters deep. As you see on the left side of the image, The highest portion of the head-dress is visable but it extends further out and down. There may also be a circular insignia on the fore-head part of the head-dress...The bottom third of the insignia appears to have collapsed in forming a large hole.

( The Serpent ) - This is a snake like figure that is on the head-dress just to the left of the insignia. This figure is facing about 45 degrees off to your right and its mouth is open. The Ancient Egyptian people used this type of figure on the head-dresses of there Kings and Gods....If your still sceptical CLICK HERE.
Notice how vividly the face stands out against the rugged terrain, This is NOT a natural occurrence.
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